1884年,当铁路大亨、前加州州长利兰·斯坦福(Leland Stanford)和他的妻子简·拉斯罗普·斯坦福(Jane Lathrop Stanford)因伤寒失去了他们唯一的孩子小利兰(Leland, Jr.)时,他们决定建造一所大学作为最合适的纪念碑,并为此捐赠了一笔巨额财富,其中包括占地8,18...
Milstein also had a theory for how to solve the problem. What if you took the concept of an intensive care unit—a single location that pulls together all the personnel and technology needed to care for the sickest patients in a hospital—and applied it to patients who were well enough not...