Basic Components of an Online Course Remote college courses rely on learning management systems and timely feedback from professors. Cole ClaybournMarch 19, 2024 Attending an Online High School Students needing a flexible schedule are often drawn to online high schools, experts say. Cole ClaybournFeb...
随着翻转课堂在全球范围内成功案例的不断增加,这种新型授课模式也引起了斯坦福EPGY (Education Program for Gifted Youth,天才青少年培养计划)的行政总监Raymond Ravaglia的注意。2005年,他提出了将原有的EPGY在线教学打造成一所完整的在线高中。2006年,斯坦福大学在线高中(Stanford Online High School,以下简称OHS)正式成立...
AI Scholars inspires curious high school students globally by exposing them to the defining technology of our times: Artificial Intelligence. AI is already present everywhere: in our voice-activated devices, smartphone face recognition systems, and autonomous vehicles. The potential to apply this technol...
Stanford Online High School is a private school located in Redwood City, CA. The student population of Stanford Online High School is 903. The school’s minority student enrollment is 62.9% and the student-teacher ratio is 12:1. Tuition & Financial Aid $26,570 Yearly Tuition* Fees* N/A ...
其实,随着网络的普及,在线教育的兴起,home school以及online school的家庭也在与日俱增。 今天老师为大家分享一个比较著名的线上美高学校:Stanford University Online High School! 斯坦福大学早于2006年创立这所私立高中,利用斯坦福丰富的师资经验,为深度用心培养全球各地的青少年人才!
摘要: The Education Program for Gifted Youth (EPGY) Online High School (OHS) is a three-year, diploma granting, online independent high school for gifted students. The mission statement reads as follows关键词: High Schools Academically Gifted Higher Education Partnerships in Education Gifted ...
其实,随着网络的普及,在线教育的兴起,home school以及online school的家庭也在与日俱增。 今天老师为大家分享一个比较著名的线上美高学校:Stanford University Online High School! 斯坦福大学早于2006年创立这所私立高中,利用斯坦福丰富的师资经验,为深度用心培养全球各地的青少年人才!
refer a friend and save $25. your friend will save, too. once you register for an online or on-campus program, you'll receive a unique refer-a-friend code that can be shared with up to ten friends. you'll earn a $25 credit for each new referral, and your friends will save, too...
我们组的partner是Stanford online high school,给他们做了一个学生成长跟踪系统的prototype。课程成绩包括project和期末的几篇小paper。整体来说,算是一门还不错的入门课,老师带着我们把做project的整个流程顺一遍,配以一些理论支持,了解外部机构的真实诉求,开始学习小组合作,算是第一学期值得选的一门课。另外有一门...
我去的是HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER COLLEGE,可以拿学分,修大学里的课,一些有难度的也可以修,至少修8个,在summer里算多的,,,但SCHOLARS PROGRAM好像不能拿学分吧。。。