The SEP project began in September 1995 when John Perry was the Director of the Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI). Perry's suggestion that CSLI enhance its web presence by creating a (static) online dictionary of philosophy was taken up by Edward N. Zalta, who devel...
EraofScholarly Publishing.ALA2012 Inthebeginning(1995) •StanfordUniversity’sCenterfortheStudyof LanguageandInformation(CSLI)yearnedfor enhancedwebpresence •DirectorJohnPerry-onlinedictionary •ColleagueEdwardN.Zalta–dynamic referencework OpeningAccessforaNewEraofScholarly Publishing.ALA2012 ANewTypeof...
which allowed for the solving of geometrical problems by wayof algebraic equations. He is also famous for having promoted a newconception of matter, which allowed for the accounting of physicalphenomena by way of mechanical explanations. However,...
201. Book history online [electronic resource] : international bibliography of the history of the printed book and libraries [2001 - ] 202. Book review digest [1906 - ] Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : Z1035 .A1 B58 V.109 2012/2013 SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : ...
Paul Miedema Is the Founder of Calabash Tours, Which Offers Guided Tours of the Townships of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, and Was a Joint Overall Winner of Last Year's Responsible Tourism Awards. Tom Chesshyre Talks to Him about the Company's Philosophy and the Future of South African Tour...
San, N., Foley, B., Disbray, S., Turpin, M. and Simpson, J.Towards an extensible, open-source picture dictionary template and processing system. Transdisciplinary and Innovation Grant from the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language. AUD 19,809 ...