CDC is a slang term. CDC stands for Central Depository Company of Pakistan, Cult of the Dead Cow, Crudely Drawn Cock. UrduPoint provides the CDC slang meaning and it's complete details in English.
NYPD is a slang term. NYPD stands for New York Police Department. UrduPoint provides the NYPD slang meaning and it's complete details in English.
NYP Meaning NYP not your problem NYP is a slang term. It is one of the most commonly used acronyms in online chat and texting. NYP stands for not your problem. Explore Urdupoint to find more popular Slang Words and Slang Meanings, to use them in your daily chats....
LLH is a slang term. LLH stands for Laughing Like Hell. UrduPoint provides the LLH slang meaning and it's complete details in English.
OTW is a slang term. OTW stands for on the way. UrduPoint provides the OTW slang meaning and it's complete details in English.
PTSD is a slang term. PTSD stands for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. UrduPoint provides the PTSD slang meaning and it's complete details in English.
CTC is a slang term. CTC stands for call the cell. UrduPoint provides the CTC slang meaning and it's complete details in English.
CLT is a slang term. CLT stands for Cool Like That. UrduPoint provides the CLT slang meaning and it's complete details in English.
BAIT is a slang term. BAIT stands for Blatant, obvious. UrduPoint provides the BAIT slang meaning and it's complete details in English.
RONG is a slang term. RONG stands for wrong. UrduPoint provides the RONG slang meaning and it's complete details in English.