8. to remain in force or continue in effect: whatever the difficulties, my orders stand. 9. to come to a stop or halt, esp temporarily 10. (of water, etc) to collect and remain without flowing 11. (often foll by at) (of a score, account, etc) to indicate the specified position...
8. to remain in force or continue in effect: whatever the difficulties, my orders stand. 9. to come to a stop or halt, esp temporarily 10. (of water, etc) to collect and remain without flowing 11. (often foll by at) (of a score, account, etc) to indicate the specified position...
markets have caused exports and purchase orders to drop. This, together with the fact that economic growth of China is set to moderate, has contributed to lower revenue for the Group. On the other hand, idle capacities of factories are expected to increase and the Group should consider how ...
8. to remain in force or continue in effect: whatever the difficulties, my orders stand. 9. to come to a stop or halt, esp temporarily 10. (of water, etc) to collect and remain without flowing 11. (often foll by at) (of a score, account, etc) to indicate the specified position...