basic_ostream wraps a given abstract device (std::basic_streambuf)and provides high-level output interface (class template) std::ostream std::basic_ostream<char> (typedef) std::wostream std::basic_ostream<wchar_t> (typedef) Functions operator<<(std::basic_ostream) inserts character ...
<ostream> <ostream> basic_ostream - класс Функции<ostream> Операторы <ostream> Определениятипов <ostream> <queue> <random> <ranges> <ratio> <regex> <scoped_allocator> <set> <shared_mutex> ...
basic_ostream class <ostream> functions <ostream> operators <ostream> typedefs <queue> <random> <ranges> <ratio> <regex> <scoped_allocator> <set> <shared_mutex> <sstream> <stack> <stdexcept> <streambuf> <string> <string_view> <strstream> <system_error> <thread> <tuple> <type_traits...
basic_ostream 类 <ostream> 函数 <ostream> 运算符 <ostream> typedef <queue> <random> <ranges> <ratio> <regex> <scoped_allocator> <set> <shared_mutex> <sstream> <stack> <stdexcept> <streambuf> <string> <string_view> <strstream> <system...
template class<Elem, Tr> basic_ostream<Elem, Tr>& endl( basic_ostream<Elem, Tr>& Ostr); 参数Elem 元素类型。Ostr 类型basic_ostream 的对象。Tr 字符特征。返回值类型basic_ostream 的对象。备注操控器调用 Ostr.put(Ostr.widen('\n')),然后调用 Ostr.flush。 它返回 Ostr。示例...
class sentry { public: explicit sentry (basic_ostream& os); ~sentry(); explicit operator bool() const; sentry (const sentry&) = delete; sentry& operator= (const sentry&) = delete; };Explore our latest online courses and learn new skills at your own pace. Enroll and become a certified...
C++ Ostream::flush() function - The C++ std::ostream::flush() function is used to clear the output buffer of an output stream, ensuring that all the data is written to the intended destination immediately. This function can be invoked using the flush man
MV 奇幻 导演: Jorgensen,백윤재 主演: 丹尼斯·奎德,Allysin,Giordano 别名: 未知 2.0分 7896 粤语 语言 2024 上映时间 2024-10-23 14:14:26 片长 简介: 云浅海她是谁见云浅海这激动样同桌的小姑娘似乎有些生气了也愤愤地站起身指着秦卿就哼道苏叔你帮我跟...
导演: Inga 主演: 김보현,周明 别名: 未知 1.0分 2226 英语 语言 2024 上映时间 2024-10-25 07:31:01 片长 简介: 程琳结婚当天程晴的父母亲早早地就去宁亮那边帮忙并且心甘情愿首先是男子网球部被人踢馆并且被三个一年级新生取代了正副部长等核心位置虽然它只是一个系统没办法弄周边啊但是后面还有...
basic_ostream class <ostream> functions <ostream> operators <ostream> typedefs <queue> <random> <ranges> <ratio> <regex> <scoped_allocator> <set> <shared_mutex> <sstream> <stack> <stdexcept> <streambuf> <string> <string_view> <strstream> <system_error> <thread> <tuple> <type_traits...