Data.Metadata.Edm 程序集: System.Data.Entity.dll 获取位于当前位置的成员。 C# 复制 object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; } 属性值 Object 位于当前位置的成员。 实现 Current 注解 此成员是显式接口成员的...
## extraConfig: org.apache.kafka.metadata.authorizer.StandardAuthorizer false super.users: User:user1 ## @param secretConfig Additional configuration to be appended at the end of the generated Kafka configuration file. ## This value will be...
geonode-rndt Geonode-RNDT is a Django App to let GeoNode be able to expose the metadata compliant to the RNDT standard Detailed information on the definition of RNDT are available at this link Configuration Install the application as requirement: pip install -e git+
Get filename, bands and metadata file for Landsat 7 and 8 standard 1B/T format
Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Metadata generation and deterministic DVB-T-mega-frame/DVB-T2-MI stream generation from MPEG-2 Transport Stream(s) for a DVB Single Illumination System (DVB-SIS)doi:ETSI TS 103 615