4628020Packed frames were sized incorrectly if disposed and re-shown.1.4.1_021.4.1_021.4.1_02 4629512There was a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when using the -server option.1.4.1_021.4.1_021.4.1_02 4655513TransferHandler did not recognize ACTION_LINK as a valid drop action.1.4.1...
1.7 In referee decisions, the SI units shall be used for metric-sized pipe and inch-pound units for pipe sized in the IPS system (ANSI B36.10) and DIPS system. In all cases, the values given in parentheses are provided for information only. 1.8 The following safety hazards caveat ...
NDD Level 3 (Dysphagia-Advanced) is similar to IDDSI Level 6 (Soft & Bite-Sized), but IDDSI takes the diameter of the airway into consideration and restricts food piece sizes to no longer than 15 mm (8 mm for pediatric). NDD Level 3, also referred to as “Regular Soft,” may also ...