The design strategy for this project is to combine a number of basic small housing units together with a grand semi-outdoor public theatre-like space. 在2011年的深圳双年展上,标准营造的“社会剧场”在万科NAI板块中展出。本设计试图将一个类似剧场的大型半户外公共空间与一系列小型基本居住单元结合...
The design strategy for this project is to combine a number of basic small housing units together with a grand semi-outdoor public theatre-like space. 在2011年的深圳双年展上,标准营造的“社会剧场”在万科NAI板块中展出。本设计试图将一个类似剧场的大型半户外公共空间与一系列小型基本居住单元结合...
The waters of the Virgin's Fount find their way through the Siloam tunnel and out at `Ain Silwan (the "spring" of Siloam), into the Pool of Siloam, and from this source descend into the Kidron valley to water the numerous vegetable gardens belonging to the village of Siloam (see SILOAM...
were covered, as in over every visible surface except for wall outlets and switches, and the very small number of windows, all on one wall of each room, and all facing the inside court, itself adorned with a dry fountain, clearly long out of service. The covering was foot-square tiles ...
The homes are bult surrounding a central courtyard with mature tropical shade trees and extensive gardens and shrubs. There are two pergolas in the gardens for guests use plus several shaded seating areas and water features plus a pool for guests use. Staff at an onsite reception office provide...
small pea-sized fruit. These various kinds of jujube trees are found in every part of the Jordan depression and of the valleys approaching it. Closely allied botanically to these thorny shrubs is the samur (Paliurus aculeatus) or "Christ thorn," widely used for the making of hedges (see...
Hollie Niblett, who lives near Kansas City, Kansas, hopes the victory gardens come back. Niblett, who has a degree in horticultural therapy, tends to a kitchen garden near her backdoor, perennial flowers, flowering trees and shrubs, and upper and lower grassy yards connected by a path throu...
usually brown with soft, fine fur, tiny ears, small eyes, short tails and long, hard front teeth. They like to create complex underground tunnels and they eat roots, grass, shrubs, plants and trees. While they are not harmful to humans, gophers can cause damage to lawns, gardens and ...
to my still nascent sensibility, smacked of labor was to grimace, and begin scheming to formulate reasonable objections that would disoblige me from participation. No squeals of joy at the prospect, no screams of delight as I galloped through the shrubs, or among the vines, or snaking throug...