of the activities of the Laboratory Handling namely the processing, storage and distribution of cellular products for therapeutic use from living donors, and this ideally as part of a program Transplantation integrated in which all units share the same path of acquiring the minimum quality standards....
_iamin sb_handle, N, vx, incx [, rs] Index of the first occurence of the minimum element in x; written to rs if passed, else returned. BLAS 2 The following table sums up the interface that can be found in blas2_interface.h. For all these operations: trans is a char representing...
_iamin ex, N, vx, incx [, rs] First index and value of the minimum element of x; written in rs if passed, else the index only is returned _swap ex, N, vx, incx, vy, incy Interchanges two vectors: y = x and x = y _scal ex, N, alpha, vx, incx Scalar product of a ...