2 12 HCl→BaCl 2 12 H 2 Om moles of CO 2 5m moles HCl2(The total CO 2 generated is determined by using the techni-cal control as Z b and the test material or blank as Z t .)12.2.2 Correcting for Normality of HCl:m moles CO 2 5~ 0.05 N 3mL HCl !2(4)mg of CO 2 5~...
Data were statistically analyzed as a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments (with run as a covariate) using 2-way ANOVA with Minitab General Linear Model (GLM) procedure (Minitab Inc., State College, PA, USA), after Anderson-Darling testing to assess the normality of the data. Johnso...
StandardMethodsfortheExaminationofWaterandWastewater ©Copyright1999byAmericanPublicHealthAssociation,AmericanWaterWorksAssociation,WaterEnvironmentFederation 2320ALKALINITY*#(1) 2320A.Introduction 1.Discussion Alkalinityofawaterisitsacid-neutralizingcapacity.Itisthesumofallthetitratablebases. Themeasuredvaluemayvarysignif...
Appraisal of within- and between-laboratory reproducibility of non-radioisotopic local lymph node assay using flow cytometry, LLNABrdU-FCM Comparison of OECD TG429 performance standard and statistical evaluation 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 793.79K ...
The Shapiro–Wilk criterion was used to assess the normality of the sample, and the arithmetic mean value and standard error were calculated for each sample group. The expression level of the studied genes was divided by quartiles using basic statistics. A Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test was used ...
Normality distribution was evaluated using the Shapiro–France test. Non-parametric tests (Mann–Whitney) or Student’s tests, according to the Gaussian distribution, were performed to detect significant independent variables. Some variables were standardized and Bonferroni correction was adjusted for ...