ERAM也被称为主动雷达制导增程型导弹(Standard Extended Range Active Missile)或者标准-6(Standard Missile 6:SM-6)。 系统组成。 标准6是为MK41垂直发射系统和宙斯盾作战系统而开发的新型”网络“化导弹。因而要使用标准6导弹,载舰必须装备全尺寸的MK41垂直发射系统和Baseline9以上版本的宙斯盾作战系统。另外作为一种...
RIM-174 Standard Missile 6,简称标准6,是美国海军研发的最新一代远程防空导弹。它被称为主动雷达制导增程型标准导弹或ERAM,具备对抗固定翼、旋转翼飞机、无人机、海上和陆地飞行中的反舰巡航导弹及大气层内弹道导弹的能力。同时,它强化了标准系列防空导弹的传统反舰能力,可作为高速反舰导弹使用。标准6...
正是这种需求推动了新型导弹的研发,ERAM/SM-6应运而生。这款导弹并非标准2系列的简单升级,而是一款旨在填补空白的补充,它基于标准2 IVA的弹体,搭载了先进的大型主动雷达导引头,专为MK41垂直发射系统和宙斯盾系统设计,成为NIFC-CA系统的核心武器。ERAM/SM-6的特点在于其非线性的进化路径,它采用了...
Raytheon Standard Missile 6 (SM-6) has been successfully loaded onboard USS Kidd (DDG 100) in San Diego, California, an event that marks the weapon's initial operational capability, the US Navy (USN) announced in late November 2013. SM-6 is in full-rate production and the programme has...
The Defense Department has delayed a key acquisition milestone for the Standard Missile-6 program, pushing off until May a review of whether to proceed with full-rate production of the ship-launched defensive weapon, according to a Navy spokesman. In January, the Pentagon's top weapons tester ...
RTX Corporation’sRTXunit, Raytheon, recently secured a $75.1 million modification contract to provide engineering and technical support for Standard Missile-2 (SM-2) and Standard Missile-6 (SM-6) programs. The award has been provided by the Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D.C. ...
摘要: Raytheon Standard Missile 6 (SM-6) has been successfully loaded onboard USS Kidd (DDG 100) in San Diego, California, an event that marks the weapon's initial operational capability, the US Navy (USN) announced in late November 2013. SM-6 is in full-rate production and the programm...
RIM-67“标准1ER”是美国海军为取代RIM-2”小猎犬“导弹和早期型RIM-8”黄铜骑士“导弹而在”标准1MR”导弹基础上一款开发的远程舰载防空导弹。该系列导弹为美国标准系列”Standard Missile“防空导弹家族的重要成员之一。 RIM-67C 标准2ER 研发历史: 1963年,随着台风防空系统项目失败下马,美军随即又启动了新型导弹研...
The Defense Department is delaying two key acquisition milestones for the Standard Missile-6 program to correct deficiencies that turned up during operational testing in 2011. The Navy now plans to declare initial operational capability for the the SM-6 Extended Range Active Missile in March 2013, ...
Raytheon Missile Systems Awarded Contract for 89 Standard Missile-6 Block I All Up Rounds, Spares, Containers, and Round Design Agent Services