If the search results are too broad, the nurse will alter the search terms to increase specificity and add more limiters; conversely, if the results are too narrow, the nurse will make the search terms more general and reduce the use of limiters. The nurse will refine the original ...
The authors determined the non-inferiority margin (−Δ) as 2.1 cm2, which was calculated by MD between grade 1 stomach (gastric contents exist but not to the extent to increase the risk of pulmonary aspiration) and grade 2 stomach (known to increase the risk of pulmonary aspiration) from...
The undesirable consequences of assessing nutritional adequacy from a single growth standard for public health discourse and policy merit priority attention and remedy, especially for the LMICs. The advocacy machinery tends to portray national child undersize statistics as burden of “hunger” or “starva...
While increased sanctions on gold in addition to certain technologies and services may be having a detrimental impact on the Russian economy, if not currency, a fundamental question must be asked, and that is, does this latest round of sanctions increase or decrease the chances of ...
percentage— 百分 · 百分比 · 比率 · 百分率 · 百分数 percentage名— 比例名 · 数字名 查看更多用例•查看其他译文 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) [...]rates percentage charge, at present, the meritofastandardratespercentagecharge lies in its simplicity and the...
Increasingly the voltage on the electron multiplier (EM) will apparently increase the slope, but this is merely amplification of the signal (and the noise), not higher ion count. Whenever sensitivity is evaluated, it must not be compromised by instrument settings like ...
In terms of power, Pesgo one adopts the three-core coordinated IPM-Power system, which can increase the power by 20%. The whole vehicle is equipped with an E-Max strong energy-concentrating motor with a torque of 70N·m, which can climb a 15-degree slope and accelerate from 0 to 25 ...
Cerebral Blood Flow Overall, there was a larger increase in mean CBF associated with intensive treatment compared with standard treatment (4.6 mL/100 mg/min vs 3.7 mL/100 mg/min; Table). Specifically, larger increases in CBF with intensive treatment were noted in in the right middle occipital...
three applications discussed here (SOCET GXP, ASP, and ISIS). We are hopeful that more applications which natively support the CSM API may also implement theusgscsmlibrary, broadening planetary data processing across the community, especially as efforts increase with the Artemis missions to the Moon...
“America is called to greatness, to be a beacon of light and a mover of history,” he said. “May our nation merit the fulfillment of Jeremiah’s blessing, that like a tree planted by water, we shall not cease to bear fruit.” ...