When in doubt about choosing the right dimensions, turn to the banner size chart in this article. Remember also to take a look at your target audience, consider your budget, and where you want to display your banners or reflect on your message. The design also has a huge impact on ad p...
The standard theory: Primary tumour and metastatic burden dynamics fitting.Etienne, BaratchartSébastien, BenzekryAndreas, BikfalviThierry, ColinLindsay, S. CooleyRaphäel, PineauEmeline, J RibotOlivier, SautWilfried, Souleyreau
Figure 5. Estimated densities superimposed to the histogram (top-chart), and estimated CDFs superimposed to the ECDF (bottom-chart) (relative air humidity data). After comparing the commonly used unit models, we demonstrate the advantage of fitting the AU model over others (visually). Table 3...