3.1.4 指标估算法 Index Estimation Method 依据投资估算指标,对各单位工程或单项工程费用进行估算,进而估算建设项目总投资的方法。 3.1.5 流动资金分项详细估算法 Breakdown Estimation Method of Working Capital 根据项目的流动资产和流动负债,估算项...
Suppose as per estimation 1 Each Glass and 1 Each Cap combined to produce one container. The above line defines the Bill Of Material i.e BOM In SAP it looks as below CS02/CS03 Routing : The activity performed during the Production Process As can be noted in the above screenshot, th...
Standards are usually set for all types of vehicles including light-duty (LD) passenger cars, LD commercial vehicles, heavy-duty (HD) commercial vehicles, buses, trucks, freight vehicles etc., which are commonly categorized by gross vehicle weight rate (GVWR) parameter. Introduction of the ...
Nevertheless, with the possible exception of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) for speed control (e.g., see Ziółkowski [10]) and to analyze passenger and freight movements, as discussed by Hadavi et al. [11], the analysis of the video data of CCTV systems in public transport ...
DIN EN ISO 6346-1996 ISO集装箱.编码.识别和标记 Freight containers - Coding, identification and marking (ISO 6346:1995); German version EN ISO 6346:1995 DIN EN ISO 6360-1-2004 牙医学.旋转器械的数字编码系统.第1部分:一般特点 DIN EN ISO 6360-2-2005 牙科学.旋转器械用数字编码体系.第2部分...
BS ISO 1496-4-1995货运集装箱系列1.规范和试验.不加压的散料集装箱Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Non-pressurized containers for dry bulk BS ISO 14961-2002空间数据和信息传输系统.参数值语言规范Space data and information transfer systems - Parameter value language specification...
ISO 9897 Technical Corrigendum 1-2001货物容器.容器设备数据交换(CEDE).一般通信编码.技术勘误1(Freight containers - Container equipment data exchange (CEDEX) - General communication codes; Technical Corrigendum 1) ISO 9897-1997货运集装箱.集装箱要求的数据交换.(CECEX):一般通信代码(Freight containers - ...