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The non-linear relationship between the input current and the flux in the core of the electromechanical relay was the reason for adding an extra parameter. For this reason, the equation of the IEEE standard characteristics contains a C parameter in order to reflect the fixed tripping time caused...
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The simplest form of transducer is undoubtedly a Bourdon tube or capsule driving the wiper of a potentiometer by means of a suitable linkage. The potentiometer may be linear or wound to some predetermined non-linear low and may be of wire-wound, metal-film or conductive-plastic type. Earlier...
Its equation is: RI=TP+TNTP+FP+FN+TN (2) where TP, TN, FP, and FN have the same meaning as in the classification task. From this perspective, RI is to clustering as the accuracy is to classification. F-1 measure (F1). F1 is the weighted average of precision (TP/(TP+FP)) ...
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The number of seeks per second is defined by the following equation: (Number of seeks per second = 0.4 / (average latency + average access time ) Table 3 Fluid Dynamic Bearing (FDB) motor acoustics Idle* Performance seek All models 2.8 bels (typ) 3.0 bels (max) 3.2 bels (typ) 3.4 ...