186 | [<img width=190 src=https://cdn.rawgit.com/standard/standard/master/docs/logos/socket.png>](https://socket.dev) | [<img width=190 src=https://cdn.rawgit.com/standard/standard/master/docs/logos/nearform.png>](http://www.nearform.com) | [<img width=190 src=https://cdn.rawg...
14.2.4 A Complete Example 918 14.2.5 Abbreviating Long-Form Options 920 14.2.6 GNU-Style Option Parsing 920 14.2.7 Ending Argument Processing 922 14.3 readline: The GNU readline Library 922 14.3.1 Configuring readline 923 14.3.2 Completing Text 924 14.3.3 Accessing the Completion Buffer...
358 - Require shorthand form for JSX fragments ([react/jsx-fragments](https://github.com/yannickcr/eslint-plugin-react/blob/master/docs/rules/jsx-fragments.md)) [#1364](https://github.com/standard/standard/issues/1364) [0%] 359 - Require PascalCase for user-defined JSX components ([reac...
The last field in the Evidence Item submission form permits free-form text for additional comments about the Evidence Item. For example, Curators can call an Editor’s attention to a particular comment using macro notation (Additional file 1: Table S9). These comments will appear first in the...
PURPOSE:To form a standard specimen having high smoothness and high purity even from an element hard to obtain smoothness as a single body, by ionizing and accelerating a desired element to adhere the same to a smoothly processed substrate. CONSTITUTION:In forming a standard specimen for an X-...
Melting ice and snow are not mentioned but appear as refinements to the selection of leakage distance through a form of site pollution severity (SPS) assessment, modeled on IEC 60815 concepts. An icing disaster in southern China, for example, was reported to have caused more than 10,000 ...
form from both computers. Each computer delivers life signals at regular intervals to an associated emergency brake circuit, which initiate emergency braking if life signals from the associated one of the computers are not received within a given period of time. In the event of a malfunction in ...
each macroblock comprises six blocks. The macroblocks are decoded on a block by block basis. However, as noted above, the blocks are not necessarily coded continuously. Accordingly, the discontinuous portions of the blocks forming the macroblocks are concatenated together to form continuous portions ...
different portions of a screen can exhibit different degrees of movement or non-movement. For example, a user interface (UI) screen may be largely static in that most pixels stay the same from frame to frame, except perhaps for certain areas, such as if a clock is displayed and updated pe...
(oil shale dust) tend to partition between liquid interfaces, tenacious emulsions form when these immiscible solvents are mixed vigorously. Strongly dipolar compounds, such as ketones and esters, associate in much smaller aggregates. The association is very weak compared to hydrogen bonding because ...