More balls for more fetching fun! Order includes 3 standard sized iFetch tennis balls (2.5" diameter). Made to be used with iFetch Too tennis ball launcher. Great for medium to large sized dogs. Owner supervision is recommended.
Galvanized Steel Mesh 50x50mm with a diameter of 4mm Tempered Glass 2000x2000x12mm or 3000x3000x12mm Artificial Turf Dtex 8000, blue or green Tennis net with poles 1 set LED light 4 pcs, 200W Bolts & Nuts stainless steel Rubber Pad black Full Set of one padel Co...
Galvanized Steel Mesh 50x50mm with a diameter of 4mm Tempered Glass 2000x2000x12mm or 3000x3000x12mm Artificial Turf Dtex 8000, blue or green Tennis net with poles 1 set LED light 4 pcs, 200W Bolts & Nuts stainless steel Rubber Pad black CENTU...
Offcial Size : We used official standard size, diameter 3", thickness 1", Weight 6oz. Suitable for America, Canada and other internation competitions. Use it for daily practice, helps you to get into the groove on a real game and win it. T...
DiameterCurl Height 2.03+-0.20mm Countersink Depth 6.60+/-0.13mm Curl Opening >=2.72 Amount/2" 26+l-2pcs Emanel Rater Test For beer: Max≤75mA,Avgs20mAFor Beverage: Max25mA,Avg≤8mA Compound Weight 20-35mg Pop Force ≤31N Tear Force ≤45N Product ...
Lid type (mm) Inside Diameter 112 45.9 202 52.5 206 57 209 62.5 211 65.3 300 72.9 305 78.3 307 83.3 401 98.9 Company Profile Packaging & Shipping No of colours: 6-8 colours Rotary offset: Can be rotary offset Printed: 300,000 pieces Unprinted:...
Materials:50plasticballsthatdonotabsorbwater,eachballhasamassof3.7orminus0.1g,withadiameterof20plusorminus0.1mm2. Testmethod:put50ballsintothetoiletandrinse,andexaminetheremainingballsinthebasin.Repeatthistestfivetimes. Results:fivetests,atleast85percentoftheballswereshotoutofthetoilet. ...
DIN 7818-1982 汽车、挂车和农用车的深槽轮圈.角状型C.D.E和F.轮圈直径标记为14至20 (Rims for motor vehicles, trailers and agricultural vehicles; flange C, D E and F; rim diameter code 14 to 20) DIN 782-1976 机床.变速齿轮.尺寸 (Machine tools; change gears, dimensions) DIN 7820-1996 汽...
Can outside Diameter REF.φ57.40mm Finish can height: 146.05±0.38mm Neck diameter REF.φ52.4±0.25mm EOE 202# 204# MOQ 500,000pcs 2. Print / Decoration Type No of colours: 6-8 colours Rotary offset: Can be rotary offset 3. Minimum Order Quantity ...
Can outside Diameter 66.04mm±0.20 Finish can height: 122.22±0.38mm Neck diameter REF.φ52.40±0.25mm EOE 202# MOQ(printed) 500,000pcs MOQ(unprinted) 120,000pcs 2. Print / Decoration Type No of colours: 6-8 colours Rotary offset: Can be rotary offset ...