使用Excel中的STDEV.P函数计算基于总体的标准差,而STDEV.S函数则用于基于样本估计标准差。标准差是衡量数据与平均值差异的指标。数值接近平均值的标准差较低,而数值分散的标准差较高。STDEV.P函数计算整个人口的标准差。以一组5名学生为例,STDEV.P函数将使用以下公式计算标准差。1. 计算平均值。2. ...
1. Input your data into a column in the Excel spread sheet. Chapter 2 prob. 6 Table 2-7 2. Put you cursor on a blank space in the spread sheet where you want the standard deviation to be placed, and then go to the function bar f(x) 3. Click on f(x)and select Statistical in...
3. VAR 和 VAR.S 产生完全相同的结果。 注意:Microsoft Excel 建议使用新的 VAR.S 函数。
The purpose of the standard deviation is to help you understand if the mean really returns a "typical" data. The closer the standard deviation is to zero, the lower the data variability and the more reliable the mean is. The standard deviation equal to 0 indicates that every value in the ...
STDEV.P:总体的标准差当你手握整个数据集,Excel的STDEV.P就像你的统计助手,使用公式 (∑(每个值 - 平均值)^2 / 总数据点数)^(1/2) 计算出基于全部数据的标准差。在教5名学生的例子中,通过计算每个成绩与平均分的距离,然后平方和除以总数,Excel能自动完成这项繁琐工作。STDEV.S:样本的标准...
while the standard deviation for portfolio B is 1.50%. This suggests that Portfolio A is less risky than Portfolio B due to a lower standard deviation. In other words, the returns of portfolio A are more consistent over the past year, whereas the returns of portfolio B are more volatile. ...
The Excel STDEV.S Function STDEV.S calculates the standard deviation for sample data. Use it like this: =STDEV.S(C4:C8) Again, it takes one argument – the range of data for which you want to know the standard deviation. Before we get into an example, let’s discuss the difference be...
Explanation: the numbers are spread out. As a result, the numbers have a high standard deviation. STDEV.P The STDEV.P function (the P stands for Population) in Excel calculates the standard deviation based on the entire population. For example, you're teaching a group of 5 students. You ...
昨天用excel的standard deviation函数计方差,结果一个后面有p,一个后面有s,一个计总体方差,一个计样本方差。啊,p和s到底代表什么呢,想了很久,才想起来是population和sample。今早,计算不同层级的分数比较,有三个层次,糟糕,t检验不能用了,要用什么,我已经完全忘记了世上还有oneway anova。完了。