1、BASICBASICENENBASICBASICASTMASTMAISIAISIGBGBStandardStandard标标准准SteelSteel gradegrade牌牌号号ChemicalChemical compositioncomposition化化学学成成分分MechanicalMechanical standardstandard力力学学性性能能NoteNoteCmaxSimax or rangeMnmaxPmaxSmaxAlmax or rangeCrrangeNimaxMorangeNmaxNbrangeTirangeOthersRp0.2/Rp0....
Chemical Composition5.1 The steel shall conform to the requirements as tochemical composition specif i ed in Table 1, and shall conformto applicable requirements specif i ed in the current edition ofSpecif i cation A480/A480M.6. Heat Treatment of Product6.1 Material of types other than Type ...
Q345 steel specification: Q345 steel belongs to 16Mn steel grade, usually it is produced in hot rolled state, hot rolled steel plate, hot rolled steel coil/sheet, it has comprehensive mechanical and welding property
Chart2(continued) Designation and chemical compositions% 牌号 Designation Ti As+Sn+Sbb Pb Al Oa Ca 不大于 XT-1 0.0030 0.075 0.002 0.050 0.0012 0.0010 a在钢材上测定As最大值为0.04%。ato be determined on steelAs maximum is 0.04%. 表5非金属夹杂物合格级别级 Chart5Qualification grades of non-me...
Standard Practice for Sampling Steel and Iron for Determination of Chemical Compositiondoi:ASTM E1806-09(2016)1.1\n本规程涵盖了所有等级的铸钢和锻钢以及所有类型(等级)的铸铁和高炉铁的取样,用于化学和光谱化学成分测定.这种做法类似于ISO14284\n1.2\n本实践分为以下几节.\n小节\n取样和样品制备要求\n6.\...
The SAE system uses a basic four-digit system to designate the chemical composition of carbon and alloy steels. The first digit (1), of this designation indicates a carbon steel; i.e., carbon steels comprise 1xxx groups in the SAE-AISI system and are subdivided into four categories due to...
不锈钢材料标准及对照material standard-20140107 BASICEN BASICASTMAISI GB Standard标准 Steelgrade 牌号 C max Simaxorrange Chemicalcomposition化学成分 Mn P S Al Cr max max maxmaxorrangerange Ni Mo N max rangemax Nbrange Tirange 1.4301
The introduction of standard revise for chemical composition permissible tolerances of GB/T222-2006 steel products 来自 知网 喜欢 0 阅读量: 8 作者:WU Qian-Si,BS Liu 摘要: This article briefly introduces the reasons and principle of GB/T222-2006 standard revise,carefully describes main revising ...
8.3 chemical composition 8.3.1 the chemical composition values listed in Table 1 (melting and analysis of finished products). In addition (except for St33, St50-2, St60-2, St70-2 steel), the chemical elements listed in the table are guaranteed not to exceed the maximum value given in ...
内容提示: Designation: A314 − 19Standard Specif i cation forStainless Steel Billets and Bars for Forging 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation A314; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year...