Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard Up to 40,000 miles for new cardholders4 Earn as low as HKD4=1 mile for eligible spending Enjoy annual fee waiver when you are a Payroll client Learn more Payroll Account welcome offer up to 12,000 miles5 Bonus Payroll Account 12,000 miles or ...
管理您在亚洲、非洲和中东的财务,在家即可访问我们的全球网络,了解国际财富、理财和房贷服务。 您可以进入亚洲、非洲和中东的200多个「优先理财」中心。您可以免费、便捷地使用渣打银行和Cirrus的海外自动取款机。 无缝通览您的全球账户 即使您的账户在不同的国家,您都可通过全球账户通览服务(Global Link),纵览所有在...
Sign Up for Online Banking Choose one of the following methods to register For Standard Chartered Bank China customers With Debit Card Number and PIN With ID Card and RMB Deposit Type II & Type III Account With ID Number and Account Number ...
更多内容,请登录金融知识宣传专栏 ( 2.警方提醒,凡要求向陌生账号转帐汇款的,均可能涉嫌诈骗,请细分析多核实。 3.开户不等于担保,银行理财产品只在银行卖, 警惕网络理财推荐。 4.请勿向任何人或任何网站,泄露你的网上银行密码。请浏览网上安全提示。
Once payment is made and confirmed, you will receive your Steam Wallet Code at the e-mail address you have provided. You may also navigate to "MY ORDERS" at the user control panel beside the Cart button to check your order history. Your Steam Wallet code can be viewed by clicking the ...
As we modernise our banking experience, we are aware of some hiccups with older browsers. Please bear with us. We would recommend you upgrade to a more secure, modern browser Chrome Firefox Explorer Safari It is essential that you do not take into consideration or respond to any ...
Standard Chartered is a leading global bank offering wide range of services including credit cards, loans, accounts & deposits, NRI banking, investment services
Build the future of banking with us. Explore innovative open banking solutions, discover all our APIs from cash and trade to FX and securities, and start testing in our sandbox.
结合Protecting Your Security部分中If you do not complete a transaction within 5 minutes after logging into Standard Chartered personal online banking, the system will send out an automatic reminder asking if you wish to continue to use the service.可知如果你在进入网上银行系统后七分钟内什么都不做,...
Where belief meets innovation Inspired by the Arabic word for ‘truthful’, Saadiq is our global Islamic banking network, spanning Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. With our dedicated Islamic banking team working alongside a renowned Global Shariah advi