1.概述:standalone 时在angular 14版本引入的特性,作用是可以让组件、指令和管道独立。以后就可以独立的直接被引入其他组件,而不依赖 ngmodule 来引入,也可以在路由中实现组件的懒加载。 1.1定义一个standalone组件: //footComponentimport{Component}from'@angular/core';@Component({standalone:true,selector:'app-...
在Angular 14版本中,Standalone Component这一新特性的引入,为组件、指令和管道的使用带来了革命性的变化。本文将详细介绍Standalone Component的概念、特点、使用方法以及实际应用场景,帮助读者快速入门并提升Angular开发效率。 一、Standalone Component概述 Standalone Component,即独立组件,是Angular 14版本中引入的新特性...
Thecontainer-layoutcomponent is not part of the app.module to use in the app.component. Open the app.module and include it in the imports section. Similar as we work with modules.* Copy Copy import{ NgModule }from'@angular/core';import{ BrowserModule }from'@angular/platform-browser';import...
With the new standalone feature in Angular, is there not a way to provide all CommonModule ...
因此,如果一个组件被标记为独立组件(即在其@Component装饰器中设置了standalone: true),那么它就不应该再被声明在任何NgModule的declarations数组中。如果尝试这样做,Angular编译器会抛出错误,提示该组件已经是独立组件,不能在NgModule中声明。 提供解决或绕过该限制的建议或方法: 确认组件的使用场景:首先,需要明确...
Angular 14一项令人兴奋的特性就是Angular的独立组件(Standalone Component)终于来了。 在Angular 14中, 开发者可以尝试使用独立组件开发各种组件,但是值得注意的是Angular独立组件的API仍然没有稳定下,将来可能存在一些破坏性更新,所以不推荐在生产环境中使用。
Angular 14 allows you to bootstrap the whole application using a standalone component. To bootstrap an application using a standalone component, follow the steps discussed below. In themain.ts, import the standalone component to be bootstrapped andbootstrapapplicationfunction as shown below: ...
方法二(命令):npx nx g @nx/angular:component hello --standalone //注释 npx nx g @nx/angular:component(运行nxnx/angular指令 生成component组件) hello-world --standalone --dry-run(生成的组件名字为hello-world)(standalone独立文件) (dry-run预查看生成的文件是什么样的) ...
import { NgOptimizedImage } from '@angular/common'; // Include it into the necessary NgModule @NgModule({ imports: [NgOptimizedImage], }) class AppModule {} // ... or a standalone Component @Component({ standalone: true imports: [NgOptimizedImage], ...
When I use an ionic standalone component in a lazy-loaded component, it is still added to the initial chunk files.Expected BehaviorIt should be lazily loaded and not be part of the initial chunk size.Steps to Reproducecreate a new ionic angular project with standalone components...