站立式滑水(Stand-up Paddling) 是一项源自夏威夷的环球活动,是古代版的冲浪游戏。这项活动有趣又易玩,只需数项工具, … www.groupon.hk|基于10个网页 2. 立划 FREERIDE风浪板&冲浪俱乐部... ... 2.跪划( Kneeling paddling) 3.立划(STAND-UP PADDLING) 1.趴划( Prone paddling) ... ...
桨板运动。|桨板|被称为SUP是因为它的全称是Stand-Up Paddling,搭配中文直译为站立式滑板,它是一种站立在冲浪板上划桨前进的冲浪运动。最早夏威夷的冲浪教练为了在教导学员时方便移动,用划桨助力前行,阴差阳错反倒促使一项新型水上 - 主持人木瑶——MY传媒演出团队掌
• stand up paddle boarding, • stand up paddle board, • stand up paddling • SUP is pronounced like pup, or you can say S.U.P. like the acronym actually is. Scan this site to find out all you need to know about getting started, exploring and maintaining your world ofstand u...
For the masses, Stand Up Paddling or SUP, has been around less than a decade, but what an amazing ride it has been. SUP makes out-of-reach surf spots accessible, creates a new vantage point for nature, enables a quick fix on the water and provides a new
Our wide selection of great quality stand up paddle boards offer something for everyone, from beginner flat-water paddlers to professional SUP racers.
Longtime stand up paddler and instructor Rob Casey has authored the first and only comprehensive guide to stand up paddling. From choosing the right gear to stroke techniques and fitness advice, Rob will have you stand up paddling in no time. Specific chapters focus on flat-water paddling, ...
Austin SUP is the Central Texas Resource for Stand Up Paddling Events, Groups and Equipment. Stand Up Paddle Austin.
Stand-up paddling: explore scenic coastal waters and biodiverse rural villages of Yung Shue O and Sham Chung Written by South China Morning Post (Morning Studio) The lush rolling hills and craggy island coastlines of Sai Kung Peninsula, in eastern New Territories, form some of Hong Kong...
#运动柏林# 立桨冲浪Stand Up Paddling是柏林施普雷河上最酷的运动,一块板、一枝桨就能踏浪而行。立桨冲浪不仅是一项户外运动,还是特别的游览柏林的方式。例如从Arena Berlin租借冲浪板下水,在Badeschiff泳池...
Stand and Paddle offers stand up paddle boarding (SUP) and paddle surf; wellness, performance, nutrition & life coaching; Retreats; Training Camps & Clinics. We provide services both in-person and remote. Visit one of our two locations in Bluffton, Sout