Bo Burnham: This talented stand-up comedian and musician gained popularity on YouTube with his witty performances. Bo Burnham’s scripted comedy often features clever wordplay and satirical observations about society. His performances are thought-provoking, making him one of the most respected stand-u...
Marc Yaffee is a co-star of the historic Showtime special, Goin’ Native; the first-ever all-Native cable special. He can be seen on Amazon Prime and heard on SiriusXM. Marc also has two Dry Bar comedy specials, Mid-Laugh Crisis and Raising the Bar. Marc Yaffee’s diverse comedy care...
I love Katherine Blanford. She makes me laugh, she’s got a great comedy vibe and she’s a lot of fun...more read more 10 GREAT YOUTUBE STAND UP SPECIALS YOU MAY PERHAPS NOT KNOW ABOUT PLEASE SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER TO HEAR MORE ABOUT STANDWORLD, WHAT WE’RE DOING, THE WORLD...
American comedian Jay Reid is noted for his clever and physical standup comedy. He featured on Showtime's "Ladies Night Out," and starred on OFTV's "LMAOF Comedy." His 30-minute Drybar+ special "That Don't Go Together" shows his impeccable comedic timing
His work as a writer on Saturday Night Live and successful stand-up specials have solidified his reputation for smart, witty comedy. Often drawing on his personal life for material, Mulaney's engaging storytelling captivates fans around the world. Age: 42 Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois, USA Dig...
Looking to enjoy some non-engaging, free entertainment? Here's a list of hilarious stand-up comedy specials available on YouTube!
Leanne Morgan will take you on a hilarious journey through motherhood and beyond as she finds comedy amidst the chaos. She can be heard daily on Sirius / XM Comedy Channels and has appeared in standup comedy clubs, performing arts centers, and theatres
During the quarantine, stand-up comedy has been interesting. Before bothDave ChappelleandHannibal Buressdropped their latest specials on YouTube, comedians were hopping on Zoom, doing whole-ass comedy shows in roughly 50 minutes—yes, this includes opening comedians and a DJ warming up the crowd,...
Comedy Central to Stream 24 Straight Hours of Stand-Up Specials on YouTube Starting tomorrow, the network will stream 24 straight hours of its half-hour stand-up specials on its Stand-Up YouTube channel. ByLaToya Ferguson October 16, 2019 5:34 pm ...
Stand-up comedy is a great way to entertain yourself online. Whether you want to watch the best stand-up comedians in their element or just enjoy some laughs during a tough time, there's plenty of comedy available to watch on YouTube. In this article, we look at some of the best stan...