Refunds up to 1 day before event Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable. About this event Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes One of the longest running independent comedy shows in America featuring a revolving showcase of SF's best comics every Friday at Kells, home to San Francisco's legendary Purpl...
STAB! Comedy Theater From $12.51 STAB! Comedy Theater Stand-Up Comedy at Drake’s Dealership in Oakland Monday • 8:00 PM Drake’s Dealership From $9.85 Zeus Down Entertainment SF Comedy College Stand Up Comedy Showcase at the Great Star!!!
Discover San Francisco CA's Comedy & Stand-up in 2025/26. Find shows, buy tickets, check seating charts, plan where to eat and how to get there.
1600x1200 Best Of SF Stand Up Tickets"> Get Wallpaper 1024x768 Standup Comedy. This is a composite of two other image: ww"> Get Wallpaper 2400x3600 Stand Up! (TV Series 2022– )"> Get Wallpaper 1200x676 Comedy Showcase Stand up Comedy Special, Jolly Jumper, Hamburg, October 6 to...
Mona Shaikh is a stand-up comedian, host, emcee and producer of Minority Reportz. She resides in Los Angeles, California.
Ronn regularly performs at comedy clubs, colleges and festivals across the nation. He also co-hosts the sports-comedy podcast, "Switching Teams: A Gay Dude & A Straight Dude Talk About Sports." His biggest accomplishment: Working briefly as a flight attendant and not attempting to smother any...
Daniele Midi is a gay, Italian-by-birth and Midwestern-at-heart, San Francisco-based stand-up comedian and producer (so many long words!), sure to deliver a fun time for all audiences (especially the good ones). His witty and fast-paced comedy — all around happy and lighthearted — de... Best of San Francisco Stand Up is a premier comedy show that features a fresh lineup of the city's best comics every Friday at the iconic Purple Onion at Kells in North Beach, just steps away from the Transamerica Pyramid. With shows in San Francisco, Be...
A veteran of the Los Angeles comedy circuit, Mateen is a founding member of the Wellspoken Comedy Tour and has participated in SF Sketchfest, SLC Comedy Carivale, Women in Comedy Festival and the San Diego Comedy Festival. Mateen has appeared in several on-screen roles with the likes of ...
Stand-up comedy, as a humorous performance, is a quintessential narrative that chronicles sociological realities of human endeavours. Its humour, as a new ... IJ Adekunle - 《European Journal of Humour Research》 被引量: 0发表: 2022年 Bright Lights, Big Laughs 正##China's youth are warming...