Your votes decide who truly ranks among the best in the world of stand-up comedy. Most divisive: Daniel Tosh Over 113.3K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Funniest Stand-Ups of All Time HOW RANKINGS WORKPhoto: Deborah Feingold Getty Images...
比起网上其他的stand up comedy观众来说,我显得佛系很多。国内很多“狂热”的观众,要不是就是在争论Louis CK能否超过George Carlin的成就;要不就是戏谑笑果的中国脱口秀演员哗众取宠,并发出美式传统stand up comedy被亵渎的哀嚎。Take it easy, dude. It's all about having fun. 零零散散地看过一些作品,几乎...
This list of famous male stand-up comedians in ranked by their level of prominence, with photos when available. This greatest male stand-up comedians list contains the most prominent and funniest men known for their stand-up comedy. Comedy fans will also enjoy these videos of comedians abusing...
2018 / 美国 / 喜剧 / 史蒂文·布里尔 Nicholaus Goossen / 亚当·桑德勒 罗伯·施奈德 李诞:就是好,主要人家确实有才华,非常反传统,但是一样很好笑。 博洋:有说有唱,轻松又悲伤,是不一样的专场,是你从没看过的全新版本。对了,他在专场最后用一首歌怀念了已故知名喜剧演员,他的好朋友 Chris Farley 。如果...
這五本書分別是:Jerry Corley的《破解喜劇的DNA》(Breaking Comedy's DNA)Greg Dean的《手把手教你玩脫口秀》(Step by Step to Stand-Up Comedy)、Judy Carter的《喜劇的藝術》(The Comedy Bible)、石老闆的《單口喜劇表演手冊》、Richard Wiseman的《怪誕心理學》(Quirkology: The Curious Science of Everyday ...
COMEDY Vision: To build a better world through jokes and laughter. Mission: Creatinga world class destination for rising stars, seasoned performers and people who value the art of Stand-Up Comedy. SHOWS January 1, 2025 Electric Comedy @The Rose Bowl Parade ...
Stand-up Comedy是草根流派,跟乐队巡演很像,要找地方演出,卖票,宣传;而做到脱口秀主持人就舒服多了,首先几乎都是坐着的,其次有电视台签约,总归要稳定一些。 《了不起的麦瑟尔夫人》Stand-up Comedy 囧司徒脱口秀Talk Show 市面上的搞笑流派 Anecdotal comedy:轶事派,大多数stand-up comedy都是这个类别的。Anecdot...
Stand Up!!(2003– ) TV Series|Comedy, Drama Edit pageAdd to list Track As the summer holidays begin, four boys find themselves the last virgins at their school, so they'll face parents, teachers, childhood friends, crushes and their own awkwardness in their subsequent attempts to lose their...
这个不是standup comedy但是她说话非常酷非常有趣【【Netflix】假装我们在城市 全7集 1080P中英文双语字幕 Pretend It's A City-哔哩哔哩】 赞(1) 回应 Lady Venom 2022-07-07 11:36:50 老囧以前唯一的单口,很个人特色【#未发酵的囧司徒#囧叔年轻时唯一#单口#-哔哩哔哩】 ...
0 订阅 专栏介绍 已更内容 收录经典脱口秀(单口喜剧)片段 专栏作者 环球脱口秀 单口喜剧分享者 关注 知乎影响力 获得5712 次赞同 · 2635 次喜欢 · 3306 次收藏 已更内容 · 48 【单口喜剧/脱口秀】乔治·卡林神级贯口 人间不值得开场白 乔治·卡林 人间不值得 纽约·灯塔剧院 ...