因为很多脱口秀的主持人在嘉宾上场之前,自己会先进行一段时间的单人表演;有些人最早也是做stand-up comedy出身,哪怕已经有了自己的脱口秀节目,还是会去剧场表演stand-up comedy。Stand-up Comedy是草根流派,跟乐队巡演很像,要找地方演出,卖票,宣传;而做到脱口秀主持人就舒服多了,首先几乎都是坐着的,其次有电视台签...
而stand-up comedy/stand-up才是我们现在比较流行的脱口秀,其实最早也有不少人将stand-up comedy翻译成...
事实上,国外的“Talk Show”和“Stand-up Comedy”是两种艺术形式,“Talk Show”也就是脱口秀其实是包括了“Stand-up Comedy”也就是单口喜剧的形式的。 比如,据说,早期的脱口秀主要发迹于广播电台,史蒂夫·艾伦(Steve Allen)于1953年首创脱口秀“六段式”(six- piece format)模式,即开场段子、喜剧环节、嘉宾访谈...
单口喜剧即英文的“stand-up comedy”。香港称为栋笃笑,台湾称为独角喜剧。又有单人喜剧、单人脱口秀、站立喜剧等名称。 而像《脱口秀大会》、《吐槽大会》这种,在英美被称作stand-up comedy。 不过,在国内我们习惯把这两种表演形式都叫做“脱口秀”。只是...
Is stand-up back? That's the question Chinese comedy fans found themselves asking last month. 56 streamers iOiyi and Tencent Video launched "Kina of Comedy: Stand-up Season" and "Stand-up Comedy and Friends", 57 (respective). In fact, numerous small and medium-sized stand-up comedy clu...
单口喜剧即英文的“stand-up comedy”。香港称为栋笃笑,台湾称为独角喜剧。又有单人喜剧、单人脱口秀、站立喜剧等名称。 而像《脱口秀大会》、《吐槽大会》这种,在英美被称作stand-up comedy。 不过,在国内我们习惯把这两种表演形式都叫做...
【题文】Stand-up comedy is becoming popular among the young in China. One person, man or woman, stands on stage and tells funny stories, or funny people or funny things that happened to them. The performers will try their best to make people laugh. Stand-up comedy is different from othe...
如果说现在stand up comedy都离不开冒犯二字的话,那Anthony可以说是一把好手了。他在舞台上塑造的形象是住在你隔壁的,luan tong的,lian mu的,连环帅逼杀手。如果你觉得你对一切无下限笑话接受度很高的话,你真的应该多看看Anthony。我对他的评价和定位是“行走的没品笑话机器”,简直是4chan(一个无下限的,反...
那些一個人站在臺上——hence, Stand Up——說笑的,他_們_不_是_做_脫_口_秀_的!宋飛?不...
Stand-up comedy(脱口秀) is becoming popular among the young in China.One person,man or woman,stands on stage and tells funny stories,or funny people or funny things that happened to them.The performers will try their best to make people laugh. Stand-up comedy is different from other forms...