Since the Chinese people were able to stand up, they will surely be able to stand firm forever among the nations of the world. 中国人民既然有能力站起来,就一定有能力永远岿然屹立于世界民族之林。 He wasn't content to sit and watch, but he couldn't stand unaided on the soft sand 他不甘...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "Rugby Union: Stand-Ins Left Standing Tall ; Six Nations 2005 Solidly-Built Pair Ensure O'Sullivan Has No Crisis at Centre" by Turnbull, Simon - The Independent on Sunday (London, England), February 13, 2005...
Taiwan is a sovereign country in full control of its own affairs and with influence in the world economy, and it is unjust to deny its people the right to stand tall and be counted among the many nations represented in international institutions 台湾是一个完全控制其内政并影响世界经济的主权国...
Rugby Union: Shane Ready to Stand Tall in His Battle with Nikki; SIX NATIONS COUNTDOWN Wales V Scotland, Millennium Stadium, Tomorrow, 2pm Flying Wing Will...被引量: 0发表: 0年 Enhancing Raman spectrographic sensitivity by using solvent extraction of vapor or particulate trace materials, ...
the world, for clear skies and for having given us the gift of life. 我们向他 们鞠躬致意, 感谢他们拯救了世界,给了我们晴朗的 天空,并且赐予我们生命。 The price of oil has a unique ability to be self correcting at either end of the price spectru...
根据第一段Can the way you stand or sit affect your sucess?可知你站立或坐着的方式会影响你的成功吗?结合文章主要说明了肢体语言不仅会影响别人对我们的看法,还会影响我们的实际表现。哈佛商学院教授Amy Cuddy和她的团队研究身体语言,特别是他们所谓的权势姿势。他们的研究表明,以某种方式站立或坐着,即使只有两...
That’s perhaps why Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy shot to instant fame (一举成名) after giving a TED talk on the subject in 2012. According to The New York Times, Cuddy’s speech is among the most viewed TED talks of all time. ...
, an agreement that wasn't possibleuntilthe countriesresponsiblefor a combined 55% of the world's carbon emissionsagreed tosign on.But wecan now celebrate the commencement of the Paris Agreement, because the U.S., China, India and the E.U., the world’s primary polluters, are among... We're sorry, something has gone wrong. Click hereto return to
December 17, 1973—Sleeperpremiered. Directed by Woody Allen, starring Woody Allen and Diane Keaton, and written by him, it was made as a tribute to Groucho Marx and Bob Hope.Sleeperwas awarded the Hugo for Best Dramatic Presentation at Discon II. It was equally well received among critics...