While France and Britain were at peace since 1815, there was still enough lingering animosity between the two traditional enemies that, when the Royal Navy began work on a series of eight new 1st rate warships that would become theRoyal Sovereign-class battleship in 1888– vessels that hit 14...
“These ships are really, really old,” Reed said. “The reliability of them [is] sometimes in question because of that. I take my hat off to the crews that are actually on them to keep them warm. But to give an idea of the state of the ships, some of these ships are still run...
in previous works [27,28]. Other operators that have recently been employed are basically modified forms of this formula, corresponding to normalizations of the original operator with respect to the variation in sample size against each condition and/orDivalues (seeTable 1). Still, there is ...
Still, there is not enough evidence to prove that these modified operators may actually give rise or not to better statistical models than the original operator. In a recent study, a comparative analysis was carried out using some of these modified BJMA operators but a large variation in the ...