Define stand in good stead. stand in good stead synonyms, stand in good stead pronunciation, stand in good stead translation, English dictionary definition of stand in good stead. n. 1. The place, position, or function properly or customarily occupied by
“stand sb in good stead”这个短语的意思是“对某人非常有用”或“对某人大有裨益”,它强调某种技能、经验、知识或资源在
stand[sb]in good steadv expr(be useful or beneficial to[sb])SCSimplified Chinese对某人有益, 给某人好处 This car should stand you in good stead for ten years or so. 标题中含有单词 'stand in good stead' 的论坛讨论: 未在Chinese论坛中找到有关“stand in good stead”的讨论 ...
Define To stand in stead. To stand in stead synonyms, To stand in stead pronunciation, To stand in stead translation, English dictionary definition of To stand in stead. to be of use or great advantage. See also: Stead Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictio
Definition of stand her in good stead in the Idioms Dictionary. stand her in good stead phrase. What does stand her in good stead expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.
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释义 stand in good steadverb These are words and phrases related to stand in good stead. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. PROFIT Synonyms profit benefit help serve avail 随便看 backdrop backdropped backdropping backdrops back-east back east backed -backed backed-bi...
2 为什么stand someone in good stead指对某人有好处,轻松学英语 49 2024-04 3 为什么clean up one's act表示改进行为或表现 26 2024-04 4 为什么clean up one's act表示改进行为或表现,轻松学英语 40 2024-04 5 n为什么the bottom line表示最重要的事 ...
stand/serve/hold somebody in good stead meaning, definition, what is stand/serve/hold somebody in good stead: to be very useful to someone when needed...: Learn more.