Reddit, Mozilla, Craigslist, Cheezburger Network and many others decided to take a major stand today to create awareness of the dangers of SOPA and PIPA. Also thanks to everyone who took action about this. Although life without Wikipedia, even for a day, was quite annoying, it was nothing c...
Smith, Phys. Rev. B 43, 13130 (1991). [162] E. Lidstro¨m, A. M. Ghandour, L. Ha¨ggstro¨m, Y. An- dersson, J. Alloys Compd. 232, 95 (1996). [163] A. S´ lebarski, A. Jezierski, A. Zygmunt, M. Neumann, S. Ma¨hl, G. Borstel, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 159...