Nichola Martin is Head of Development at Baby Cow Productions, overseeing the television drama and feature film slates. She is currently working on Zadie Smith & Nick Laird’s adaptation of Smith’s Booker long-listed novel SWING TIME, and Paul Unwin’s adaptation of John Sutherland’s Sunday...
(2)TODAY’S SCROLL TITLE DECIPHERED.[Item by Daniel Dern.]The source for this title probably, ahem, weeds out many Boomers and most post-Boomers; per Wikipedia, “…Please Don’t Eat the Daisiesis a best-selling collection of humorous essays by American humorist and playwright Jean Kerr.”...
Reddit, Mozilla, Craigslist, Cheezburger Network and many others decided to take a major stand today to create awareness of the dangers of SOPA and PIPA. Also thanks to everyone who took action about this. Although life without Wikipedia, even for a day, was quite annoying, it was nothing c...