Created by both Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko, Stephen Strange began as a brilliant but arrogant neurosurgeon who undergoes a spiritual transformation after a debilitating car accident causes him to search for alternative methods to heal. Training with the Ancient One leadsDoctor Strangeto not onl...
the Avengers, American comic strip superhero team whose frequently changing roster often included some of the most popular characters in the Marvel Comics universe. Billed as “Earth's mightiest super-heroes,” the team was created bywriter Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby, and it debuted in The ...
Thomas B. Sawyeris the former Head Writer of Murder, She Wrote. Before breaking into television, he was an illustrator and worked for Stan Lee at Marvel. Tom is a good friend, and I had the chance to catch up with him to discuss his diverse career as an artist, TV writer, and autho...
The post Celebrating 100 Years of Stan Lee appeared first on The Real Stan Lee. ]]>18160 Sat, 10 Dec 2022 11:34:00 +0000 Last weekend, ...
comic book historianMichael Uslan; globally renowned pop artist best known for his bold and graphic depictions of American icons,Burton Morris; and lead curator of the acclaimed "Stan Lee: Beyond the Book" exhibit at the UW American Heritage Center and the foremost Gen-Z authority...
Stan Lee, the legendary writer, editor and publisher of Marvel Comics whose fantabulous but flawed creations made him a real-life superhero to comic-book lovers everywhere, has died.
Lee has become synonymous with Marvel Comics, the publisher of stories that feature his biggest super-hero creations, such as Spider-Man, Iron Man, Daredevil, Thor, the Hulk, the X-Men and the Fantastic Four. In recent years, his comic book characters, many of them created with artist Ja...
Lee and Kirby added another winner to the group when they createdThe X-Menin 1963. A distinctive feature of Lee’s comic-book heroes is that they combine superhuman powers with human insecurities and emotions. Marvel continued to prosper, and in 1972 Lee became publisher and editorial director...
Stan Lee UniverseJuly 2, 2023 Can you believe two of the most influential comicbook teams of all time debuted on the same day? That’s right! Sixty years ago today, July...Read More Comics Celebrating 60 Years of Iron Man Stan Lee UniverseMarch 29, 2023 ...
“Stan the Brand,” the authors of “Stan Lee and the Rise and Fall of the American Comic Book” called him, pointedly. It wasn’t all joy for Lee. Though the success of the movies made the characters worth billions, Lee maintained that he saw little of that wealth. Even so, he ...