Hardy,Oliver Hardy- United States slapstick comedian who played the pompous and overbearing member of the Laurel and Hardy duo who made many films (1892-1957) Arthur Stanley Jefferson Laurel,Stan Laurel,Laurel- United States slapstick comedian (born in England) who played the scatterbrained and oft...
Stan Musial World Series Stan the Man Stan Winston Studio Stan/Eval Stan; and Hardy, Oliver Laurel ▼Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. Make it yours today! Advertisement. Bad banner? Please let us know Remove AdsFace...
Steve Coogan was the first and last person Jon Baird spoke to about playing Stan Laurel. Coogan first met Laurel and Hardy on TV, watching their misadventures in a dressing gown during school summer holidays. “It was very accessible to a child,” he recalls. “A pure kind of comedy that...
Stan Laurel Stan Musial Stan the Man STANAG Stanborough School stance stanch Stanchel stancher stanchion stanchless stanchly stanchness stanck stand stand about or around stand apart stand aside stand back stand behind stand by stand down