But on the day of his record attempt, Guinness World Records talked to Stampy about his story and asked what compelled him to become a YouTube gamer and record-breaker! While Stampy now enjoys more than 9 million YouTube subscribers, and has racked up almost 7 billion...
下面波比将为大家介绍我的世界故事模式第六章新成员——Stampy Cat!一起来看看Stampy Cat的外貌和他的个人介绍,了解一下这个角色吧。Stampy Cat我的世界故事模式第六章登场,是故事模式番外新系列中客串的人物角色。现实中原型为我的世界实况主播约瑟夫加内特JOSEPH GARRETT,推特关注:50.3万,youtube上Stampy Cat账号订阅...
Stampy Cat 我的世界故事模式第六章登场,是故事模式番外新系列中客串的人物角色。 现实中原型为我的世界实况主播约瑟夫加内特JOSEPH GARRETT,推特关注:50.3万,youtube上Stampy Cat账号订阅量达到了759万。
After 823 ‘Minecraft’ adventures, Stampy Cat creator ends “fantastic ride” on YouTube Oct 24Tubefilter.com Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content Learn more about contributing Edit page More to explore List Staff Picks: What to Watch in March See our picks List Ne...
参考报价 单个视频$1,706.59 预估CPM$10-$18 预估曝光量12.19万+ 个人简介 This is Stampy Cat's second channel. I will be uploading all videos apart from my normal gaming videos on here. Enjoy. :) 基础信息 粉丝数 83.8万 总播放量 4335.69万 ...
question DID YOU KNOW... ...the first episode of Stampy's Lovely World, "Welcome To Stampy's Lovely World", was uploaded to YouTube on 19 May 2012? ...that Stampy's Minecraft skin is not a cat, but a bat called Fidget from the game Dust: An Elysian Tail? ...there was once ...