在此基础上,分别利用PS,SBAS及StaMPS-MTI技术对北京市局部地区2007~2010年的29景ENVISAT ASAR数据进行处理,提取研究区2007~2010年的时序沉降情况及年平均沉降速率,对沉降结果进行了详细的对比和系统分析.理论研究和真实SAR数据实验结果均表明,StaMPS-MTI技术获取了404 276个高相干点,空间采样率相较于PS技术提高了62.3...
我的爱好是集邮。 Why? Because my favourite hobby gives me a lot ofpleasure (乐趣), and I can learn a lot aboutgeography (地理)andhistory (历史)from stamps. 为什么呢?因为我最喜爱的爱好给我带来许多乐趣,我可以从集邮...
StaMPSMulti-Temporal InterferometryCollaborative ProjectIn the last decade, SAR interferometry techniques, especially those that use time series analysis experienced a strong development in both, methodologies and applications, becoming an operational tool for deformation monitoring. The emergence of a growing...
StaMPSMulti-Temporal InterferometryCollaborative ProjectIn the last decade, SAR interferometry techniques, especially those that use time series analysis experienced a strong development in both, methodologies and applications, becoming an operational tool for deformation monitoring. The emergence of a growing...