16. Cause: printing on stage each received between bolt of cloth as printed on the location may be inaccurate, if the next bolt of cloth, as printed on the front end over-in place-in the printing position of cloth there is no printed with the pattern, resulting in a slot in the pheno...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a windowed envelope for use for a document or the like which needs certification of date and time wherein a window sized as a postage stamp is made on a position where normally the postage stamp is applied on a surface of the envelope so that the ...
Plate Number: “B” followed by four (4) single digits in two corners Marginal Markings: Front: Header: Life Magnified • Plate number in bottom two corners Back: ©2022 USPS • USPS logo • Two barcodes (484000) • Plate position diagram (6) • Promotional text—...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a windowed envelope for use for a document or the like which needs certification of date and time wherein a window sized as a postage stamp is made on a position where normally the postage stamp is applied on a surface of the envelope so that the postage...
2.(Philately) a mark directly printed or embossed on an envelope, postcard, etc, serving the same function Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
A protective envelope for mounting a stamp in a collector's book has a background mounting strip and a transparent cover strip extending past the background strip along one edge to form a flap which can be picked up and bowed outwardly to expose an underlying portion of the background strip...
Back: ©2022 USPS • USPS logo • Two barcodes (484000) • Plate position diagram (6) • Promotional text UpdatedDecember20th: The American Philatelic Society says these stamps will be issued at itsGreat American Stamp Showon the first day of the show, Thursday, August 10. ...
impress" are Germanic loan-words. Related: Stamped; stamping. To stamp out originally was "extinguish a fire by stamping on it;" attested from 1851 in the figurative sense. Stamping ground "one's particular territory" (1821) is from the notion of animals. A stamped addressed envelope (1873...
Plate numbers in two corners of pane Back: © 2013 USPS• USPS logo • Plate position diagram • Barcode (116900) in upper right and lower left corners of pane • Promotional text —Stamp Services, Marketing and Sales, 4-3-14...
to have a relative position in or as if in a scale stands first in the class to be in a position to gain or lose stands to make a profit to rest, remain, or set upright on a base or lower end a ladder standing against a wall ...