West Bengal stamp duty cut in 2021 Stamp duty rates in top cities Stamp duty and registration charge calculation example Documentation required for payment of stamp duty How is stamp duty paid? Non-judicial stamp paper method (or offline method) Franking method E-stamping Why stamp duty evasion ...
RATE OF STAMP DUTY State wise stamp duty rules for eForm 1, Memorandum of Association (MoA), Articles of Associations (AoA), eForm SH-7 and eForm FC-1) Stamp duty rules for Form INC-2/INC-7/INC-29, MoA, AoA, and SH-7
(Section 25 Nil companies) West Bengal (companies 10 having share capital other than section 25) West Bengal (Section 25 10 Nil Nil 60 300 NIL NIL Amount in Rupees Form 5 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Remarks These rules shall also apply to companies not having share capital...
In a move that will enable companies to raise debt at a lower cost and help deepen the country''s bond market, the government has slashed stamp duty on key financial instruments - debentures and promissory notes (P-Notes).As per the notification, the