Online Stamp Duty Payment in Gujarat Online Stamp Duty Payment in Rajasthan Online Stamp Duty Payment in Punjab Online Stamp Duty Payment in Madhya Pradesh To learn more about our solutions, book a free demo with one of our solution consultants. Book a DemoCategories...
e-Stamppaper has become the most widely used method of payment of stamp duty in India because it is more convenient, tamper-proof, easier and faster to purchase and use e-stamp paper online as compared to the traditional or any other method. Each State Government that uses e-Stamping has ...
it was observed that the question before the Court was whether stamp duty was liable to be paid on BoE and if this BoE was a DO in respect of goods. It was on this aspect that the Gujarat High Court, relying upon Regulation 16 of the Gujarat Maritime Board (Landing...
Electronic-stamping is not available in Maharashtra as the licence for SHCIL was not renewed by the state. Hence, since July 2013,you can pay stamp duty online via an electronic secured bank treasury receipt (eSBTR)-an online payment service.It is not an option in any other state.The state...