The Haryana state government collects stamp duty on a various transactions, including the acquisition or transfer of the real estate, leasing agreements, and other similar agreements. Stamp duty is paid to purchase Haryana stamp paper, at pre-determined rates. Alternatively, documents in Haryana can...
Two notices were sent to OCL onJuly 22and23,2024, respectively, concerning the taxes the company has to pay to the New Delhi Government for the transfer of securities. The company was fined Rs. 370 and Rs. 250 for not paying stamp duty aggregating to Rs. 244 for 5,151 equity ...
Coming to the charge of discrimination between importers in the State of Gujarat and those in Maharashtra, it was observed that the question before the Court was whether stamp duty was liable to be paid on BoE and if this BoE was a DO in respect of goods. It was on this aspect that th...