Every state calculates stamp duty differently so to get the most accurate calculation you should use the relevant state stamp duty calculator. It also depends on whether you're purchasing a residential property, for the first time, and whether you are eligible for exemptions or concessions. For e...
澳大利亚本来就被认为是一个安全的投资场所,随着该国成功平抑了冠状病毒/COVID-19的曲线,再加上许多汇率的诱人变动,想在澳大利亚购买房产的外国公民越来越多。 新南威尔士州买家附加税(NSW surcharge purchaser duty) 额外税费是多少? 在新南威尔士州(NSW)购买的房产适用8%的印花税附加费(stamp duty surcharge)和2%...
[287] NSW: valuation of fixtures for stamp duty remitted for determination.(Office Of State Revenue)(Brief Article)Backeberg, AnneMarie