The Haryana state government collects stamp duty on a various transactions, including the acquisition or transfer of the real estate, leasing agreements, and other similar agreements. Stamp duty is paid to purchase Haryana stamp paper, at pre-determined rates. Alternatively, documents in Haryana can...
In Indian states, stamp duty charges vary between 3% and 10% of the property value across states. Registration charges are typically decided by the centre and are, by and large, fixed cross states. Some states like Haryana also charge a standard fee as the registration amount. Stamp duty ...
Gift deed stamp duty in 2023 State where gift deed is registered Stamp duty as percentage of the property value UP 2% Haryana 5% Delhi 4% Maharashtra 3% Gujarat 3.5% Rajasthan 6% Madhya Pradesh 5% Andhra Pradesh 2% Himachal Pradesh 6% Tamil Nadu 7% Karnataka 5% Punjab 6% Bihar 5.7% (for ...
While initially, the challenge was on the levy of stamp duty on ‘Bill of Entry’ (BoE), the State of Maharashtra subsequently clarified that the stamp duty was being levied on the DO. Indisputably, the immediate trigger for the writ petitions challenging the stamp duty on DOs was a judgmen...