Money order, Solicitor’s Cheque or bank draft which is being made payable to the Collector of Stamp Duty (Pengarah Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia) and send together with the agreement to the LHDNM by hand or through registered post. Money order, solicitor’s cheque or bank draft can b...
Stamp duty exemption on all instruments of an Asset Sale Agreement & Asset Lease Agreement executed between a customer and a financier made under Syariah law principles forrenewing any Islamic overdraft/revolving financing facility, provided the instrument for existing facility is duly stamped. ...
These provisions fundamentally change the tax base for duty in NSW, and change it from a tax on transfers of property to one on thecreation, extinguishment or transferof property. Accordingly, many previously non-dutiable transactions, such as the grant of options or a lease may ...