The Victorian Government has announced a 'once in a generation' transition from stamp duty for commercial and industrial properties from 1 July 2024. We summarise this and other key tax announcements outlined in the Victorian Budget handed down on 23 May 2023. Commercial and industrial property...
If it belongs to a residential project, the amount of stamp duty changes due to the identity of the buyer. If you are Hong Kong permanent residents and are a first-home buyer, you only need to pay the Ad Valorem Stamp Duty (AVD) of the second standard tax rate. Taking a HKD 6 mi...
000 more. Jessica Sully, of Kingston-based estate agent Carringtons, told the Telegraph: "The message to first-time buyers is don’t put yourself under too much pressure to secure a property before the stamp duty changes at the end of March 2025....
Jonathan Stinton, head of intermediary relationships at Coventry Building Society, said that the right changes to stamp duty could “oil the wheels of the market” and make it easier for people to move up and down the housing ladder throughout their lifetime. ...
As one of the 2023-24 Budget measures, the Stamp Duty (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill) which aims at easing the burden on ordinary families of purchasing their first residential properties was passed by the Legislative Council on 17 May 2023.
The Stamp Duty (Amendment) (Stock Transfers) Ordinance 2023 which gives effect to the proposal in the 2023 Policy Address to reduce the rate of stamp duty on contract notes for sale or purchase purchase of Hong Kong stock from 0.13% to 0.1% has come into
Over the next four years, Labor will progressively remove stamp duty for all first-home buyers, pensioners and off-the-plan unit-titled purchases, as well as for all vacant land purchases for new housing. This will apply no matter the buyer’s income, or the value of the...
Expert commentary and practical guidance from ICAEW related to stamp duty land tax in the UK regime.
2月22日,周三,香港特区政府财政司司长陈茂波发表了2023-2024年度财政预算案。这是现届政府的第一份财政预算案。 陈茂波说,特区政府今年将采取“中间偏松”的财政姿态,因此这一份仍然是赤字预算。预算案措施所涉及的资源,超过八成是用在市民和中小企身上,希望能在力所能及之处,照顾有需要的市民。
2月22日,周三,香港特区政府财政司司长陈茂波发表了2023-2024年度财政预算案。这是现届政府的第一份财政预算案。 陈茂波说,特区政府今年将采取“中间偏松”的财政姿态,因此这一份仍然是赤字预算。预算案措施所涉及的资源,超过八成是用在市民和中小企身上,希望能在力所能及之处,照顾有需要的市民。