Several writ petitions were filed before the Bombay High Court challenging the imposition, levy, and collection of stamp duty by the State of Maharashtra on Delivery Orders (DO) under Article 29 of the Maharashtra Stamp Act, 1958 (MSA). These petitions argued that the levy was in conflict wit...
I need to know the stamp duty and registration charges for the gift deed of our residential house which is owned by my mother and she is willing to gift me ( Her Son). I am resident of Nagpur, Maharashtra.
Stamp duty is one of the major sources of revenue for every state. For the state of Maharashtra, stamp duty is the second largest source of revenue after sales tax. It must be ensured that, in any event, stamp duty is purchased in the name of a person or company who is party to the...
Online Stamp Duty Payment in Karnatak Online Stamp Duty Payment in Maharashtra Online Stamp Duty Payment in Tamil Nadu Online Stamp Duty Payment in Delhi Online Stamp Duty Payment in Uttar Pradesh Online Stamp Duty Payment in West Bengal Online Stamp Duty Payment in Gujarat Online Stamp Duty Paymen...
Stamp duty provisions The basic framework of stamp duty is laid down in the Indian Stamp Act, 1899, which authorises the states to modify the same, as per their needs. Accordingly, the government of Maharashtra passed the Bombay Stamp Act, 1958. The payment of stamp duty on leave and lic...
Stamp duty in Bihar 6% Stamp duty in Chandigarh 6% Stamp duty in Telangana 4% Stamp duty in Gujarat 4.9% Stamp duty in Jharkhand 4% Stamp duty in Haryana 7% Stamp duty in Karnataka 3%* Stamp duty in Punjab 7%# Stamp duty in Maharashtra 6% Stamp duty in UP (Uttar Pradesh) 7% Stamp ...
In the Kuktar sub-centre in Maharashtra, the medical officer-in-charge admitted to being able to prescribe appropriate medications to a majority of patients who visit for a consultation, but confided that there is a necessity to divert them to a tele-referral on the eSanjeevani webs...
SBI to collect stamp duty, registration fee and e-SBTR in Maharashtra TAG FEE: $225, PLUS $80 BIG GAME HUNTING LICENSE AND $10 BEAR MANAGEMENT E-STAMP Dangerous game gateway drug: black bear: cut your teeth hunting game that bites back A number of 571,740 people visited the respective ...
For example, Maharashtra has a cap on stamp duty payable on gift of a residential or agricultural property to one’s spouse, children, grandchildren or wife of a son who has died, at Rs 200, irrespective of the value of the property. Gift comes into effect immediately Owners gifting their...