staminal tube 读音:美英 staminal tube基本解释 雄蕊管 分词解释 staminal雄蕊的 tube管,管状物 staminal tube是什么意思 staminal tube怎么读 staminal tube在线翻译 staminal tube中文意思 staminal tube的解释 staminal tube的发音 staminal tube意思是什么 staminal tube怎么翻译 staminal tube的中文翻译 ...
staminal tube 雄蕊筒文献(pubmed) 赞助商链接以下为句子列表:英文: ULTRASTRUCTURAL CHANGES OF PLASMODESMATA IN STAMINAL HAIRS OF SETCREASEA PURPUREA DURING DEVELOPMENT中文: 紫竹梅雄蕊毛细胞发育过程中胞间连丝超微结构的变化 英文: Effects of Microtubule-Specific Inhibitor APM on the Cytoplasmic Streaming ...
Staminal tube ca. 4 × 3 mm, outside pulverulent pubescent, inside glabrous, apical margin 8-lobed; 雄蕊 4×3 米,外面粉状短柔毛,里面无毛,顶缘8裂; petals 5, red or crimson-red, bases auriculate, remaining adpressed to staminal column. ...
Define staminal. staminal synonyms, staminal pronunciation, staminal translation, English dictionary definition of staminal. n. pl. sta·mens or sta·mi·na The pollen-producing reproductive organ of a flower, usually consisting of a filament and an anth
读音:美[´stæmɪnəl]英[´stæmənəl] 英汉翻译近义词典英英词典发音词典 staminal中文翻译 adj.雄蕊的;由雄蕊组成的;有精力的;有耐心的 staminal是什么意思 网络有耐心的 词组短语 1.staminalhair雄蕊毛;雄蕊花丝毛 2.staminaltube雄蕊管 ...
of the staminal tube and Taxonomic characters epicalyx in Brazilian Pavonia ( Malvaceae )York, NewGarden, Botanical
anthers 8, alternate with lobes, oblong, included in staminal tube with only apical tip slightly protruding. 花药8,与裂片互生,长圆形,内藏于雄蕊管唯顶端部稍突出。 6. petals 5, red or crimson-red, bases auriculate, remaining appressed to staminal column. 花瓣5,红色的或深...
英式读音 adj.雄蕊的;有毅力的 网络有耐心的 英汉例句 1.Corolla salverform, tube cylindric, dilated at staminal insertion, lobes overlapping to left or to right. 高脚碟状的花冠,圆筒状的筒部,膨大在插入,裂片重叠朝把或留给的右边。 2.They belong to staminal nectaries. The nectaries consist of...
In Salvia it should be possible likewise to define ‘pollination niches’ by measuring the length and width of the flower tube (accessibility of nectar), the position of the staminal levers (dorsal, ventral, lateral pollination), and the length of the lever arms (site of pollen deposition)....