Anomaly had to be distributed the way it was, because unlike GAMMA it's a standalone project that carries absurd amount of engine changes. You can't just drag and drop Anomaly on top of CoP, SoC, or CS and expect it to work. It's not as simple as you think. ...
as I had to adjust multiple files repeatedly until the desired look was achieved. Everything has been looked at, down to the smallest elements—such as the paper debris scattered
ZoA: You need SoC 1.0004 + mod + patch 13 + hotfix for Dark Valley Dynamite_immunities_sect crash FAQ by TKGP: Until the 1.0006-compatible update, don't use "take all" with rucksacks. It breaks the ma...
@MirkoS77: come on I have beatedn Stalker Soc and Cop many times. I dont care what you think. And yes you are going to proven to be wrong. You are in minority. All i know you dont want this game to be success at all. You are realy blind if you think its...
想想cop和soc里遇到的尸体,每一具都可能充满故事 分享3057 约翰尼德普吧 等待享受 "僵尸肖恩"导演将联手德普 拍摄灵异题材迪斯尼公司去年就曾宣布将和约翰尼·德普旗下的Infinitum Nihil制片公司合作两部新片,一部是关于独立战争英雄保罗·瑞威尔(Paul Revere)的电影;另 分享35赞 金属吧 WAYHWAI 【度盘】神砖一张The...
其他的是分卷,解压完又是一个压缩包(因为云盘的4G上传限制),密码是,补丁和主体是从两个不同的网站搞来的,不排除会出现错误 分享818 planetside吧 zealot000313 【NC侦查步枪】AF-18 Stalker 刚才训练场是了下 这东西 手感不错 24发弹鼓/214还是216的残弹 射速不错(全自动) 最大威力好像...
Someone wrote:As mods go this is one of the most subtle imaginable. It does not attempt to change the atmosphere or effect of the game world, but simple to enhance it. 900 new textures, an improved sky and weather system, and the introduction of expanded graphics options make this one of...
The foliage has been updated by reusing and modernizing existing assets from the series. I find this approach of improving the trees preferable to introducing flora that would feel disconnected from the world’s design. 2. NPC Models NPCs have been upgraded to high-poly models, offering a degre...