S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly G.A.M.M.A. modpack definition files. - Stalker_GAMMA/G.A.M.M.A/modpack_data/modpack_maker_list.txt at main · Grokitach/Stalker_GAMMA
but Im not touching brightness, contrast & gamma. I will try it maybe with your settings but turning it all up except for lighting distance ... OR ... do you think its just my 8800 trying to show off by using to many effects in game LOL Click to expand... You can adjust the ...
I worked out how to disable artifact degradation in New Arsenal 6. Edit the gamedata\scripts\ogse_signals_addons_list.script and make it look like this. It really works to fix this issue. Just comment out the “dsh_art_degrad”, line and the script is disabled. addons={"ogsr_memory_...