GAMMA is a large project using the work of many talented modders, and each and everyone one of them are contributing to making Stalker Anomaly a better experience. You can check the entire modlist, modder names and mod pages link used by GAMMA here: ...
《真正的潜行者》True Stalker 汉化+下载 俄网原贴: ———与 异常 及其衍生MOD(GAMMA、EFP等)无关,不喜欢请立刻离开——— ***未经允许不得提取本汉化补丁的任何部分进行二次发布,转载需保持原样*** 千呼万唤始出来,在经过了7年半的开发之后,潜行者界...
商人西德罗维奇的货物又被人抢了,我被请去将其夺回。刚好,我最近通过收集潜行者们遗留的物资和在与佣兵的争斗中拾取了新的武器并把它们修复好了。我用这些歹徒来测试测试我的新家伙。 -Xanthite Disciple (在录视频时,我误按了窗口键,中间有几秒钟的间隔。)(Edit,我的视频画质和大小也有问题,我重新上传了视频...
= = = YOU MUST BE UNBLOCKED ON MODDB.COM TO PROCEED = = = If you are blocked, read the message to see how long the block will be. Wait for that amount of time and 40 min more, then proceed with 5. Now go to “C:\GAMMA\.Grok's Modpack Installer\” right click and "Launch...
Enhanced Shaders and Color Gradingis an advanced mod that overhauls Anomaly's lighting and color with gamma correct lighting, PBR-style specular effects, ACES-based color grading, and more. Visuals like this were previously only possible with ReShade, but these shaders look just as good and ...
There is a new version of the New Arsenal 6 mod out now, this is fully unpacked in the gamedata folder, which allows full editing of the mod.
mod that strips away the story and reimagines the games as an open-world survival RPG, similar to Escape from Tarkov. Gamma is a sort of expansion of Anomaly that bundles a number of mods into the game to make it bigger, better, more polished, complex, and harder.[5] Either mod is...
【潜行者MOD】重磅!《真正的潜行者》True Stalker 汉化+下载 俄网原贴: ———与 异常 及其衍生MOD(GAMMA、EFP等)无关,不喜欢请立刻离开——— ***未经允许不得提取本汉化补丁的任何部分进行二次发布,转载需保持原样*** 千呼万...
【潜行者MOD】重磅!《真正的潜行者》True Stalker 汉化+下载 俄网原贴: ———与 异常 及其衍生MOD(GAMMA、EFP等)无关,不喜欢请立刻离开——— ***未经允许不得提取本汉化补丁的任何部分进行二次发布,转载需保持原样*** 千呼万...