喜欢《S.T.A.L.K.E.R.》的玩家应该会听说过Pavel Dolgov。这位俄罗斯高手为《切尔诺贝利阴影》制作的Complete MOD相当精彩,现在他又瞄上了《晴空》。《切尔诺贝利阴影》Complete MOD的改进...【】(1/21) 《STALKER:晴空》Complete MOD精彩图赏
STALKER Complete 2009 (1.4.4) Weapons BosnisHazard´s DV... Singleplayer UI & HUD Overhaul Singleplayer Repair Kit Weapons Minipatch for Reaper's Warsaw Pact Weapons Reskin PR STALKERs Camo_Ninjas Urban Military Stalker Singleplayer ABC 1.1 Mod Beta Patch for 1.005 / 1.006 ...
求助,怎么让阴影和STALKER COMPLETE 2009兼容两个分开都正常,一起用就会出错跳出,怎么解决兼容问题? 分享19赞 潜行者吧 欧美日韩中 【求】Stalker-COP技术人员那免收集六种工具的MOD,求大神出手先喂饱度娘 分享122 潜行者吧 囧老李 我猜stalker2的外不再防弹防弹由你穿的衣服决定,而外骨骼提供防弹以外的一切 ...
I'll eventually get a copy on GoG, need to make sure I have it to complete my STALKER collection. I haven't played the game for the past few days, waiting on more patching before I finish it, but I did play after the patches were applied. Only crashes I recall having were: 1) ...
在线看Stalker - Shadow of Chernobyl (Complete Mod.. 7分钟 28秒。13 1月 2012的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 65 — 已浏览。
but that's about it. Aside from the boss fight and a couple of pretty rooms the entire final stretch is 100% on the "fuck it, we need to ship the game soon, this will do" level. It's such a stark contrast to earlier set-pieces and locations that feel much more complete and fles...
STALKER Complete 2009 in retrospective S.T.A.L.K.E.R. review by PCFormat magazine, issue #234. Someone wrote:Lighting – the new day-night cycle’s particularly spectacular – and textures are what’s most lovingly touched by the hand of mod, but on the non-graphical front much of th...
8. Complete Weather Rain, sunlight, and various effects—including celestial objects—have been updated to deliver a more impactful and immersive experience. The rain soundscape has been mixed to include distant rainfall, along with the subtle sound of droplets tapping on the Marked One's hood, ...
1920x1080 S.T.A.L.K.E.R SOC with Complete 2009 MOD in FULL HD and MAX settings (DX9) on Radeon HD 4850 512mb 39 Download 1920x1080 IM1858: Zehn Jahre Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl - Insert Moin | Insert Moin 67 Download 1920x1200 HD Wallpaper | Hintergrund ID:21...